About Us
womensbiz.US is the go-to, must-read source for what is now and next for women in business. We live in a world where the way we do business has changed forever. womensbiz.US is the only publication focused on sharing the stories, celebrating the role models and providing the advice that will enable women to thrive in this new business world.
About Us
womensbiz.us showcases a wide variety of backgrounds and professions, and more. Our content takes a 360 degree look at “what makes women in business tick.” The women we profile are true role models for other women ---approachable, accessible, and supportive.
Women have always been fascinated by other women – from how they deal with workplace harassment to how they dress for the boardroom (and on zoom) …how they got to where they got, what they encountered along the way and how they are succeeding in a new and often uncertain business environment.
It’s all women and all business through our original content, our blog, our weekly newsletter … . We celebrate promotions (share yours!), hold “salons” with women you want to meet and know that men’s views regarding women in the workplace are important, too. All this and so much more.
One of the many ways we showcase women is through explicit outreach and collaboration. womensbiz.US is a place that builds relationships and creates links with other important women’s organizations (our BIZ-BFFs!). We are not in competition. It’s going to take each of us to truly change women’s status in all aspects of business.
our history
Twenty years ago, Elaine Taylor-Gordon (ETG) started a national women’s business “newszine” that focused on women as role models.
Back then, womensbiz.US was an extraordinarily successful, 24-page printed publication. Time passed and ETG changed her entrepreneurial focus, although she has always been involved in supporting and promoting businesswomen.
Fast forward (as they say) to today. News about women in business is still vastly underrepresented in the corporate world and many of the same topics and, unfortunately, many issues covered in the early 2000’s are as relevant today as they were then. ETG and Managing Partner Susan Danish decided to further celebrate and help accelerate women in business by reinventing womensbiz.US for today and tomorrow. As with the original womensbiz.US, every month we explore a particular sector, like “healthcare,” knowing full well that skills are transferrable from industry to industry. We offer modern role models, tools and solutions to help women flourish in business today.
To elevate the status of women in business and empower women to embrace reinvention and take action in a world of change and uncertainty.
To contribute to a society where women’s abilities and accomplishments in business are valued equally to men’s, and women are equal in the workplace.
is for all women and we are committed to reflecting all women in our content, on our team, among our suppliers and in all aspects of our business.
We are committed to the highest professional standards.
We are committed to promoting women who sincerely are advocates, mentors, and positive role models for other women.