We are grateful to those who are joining us to ensure that women in leadership are seen, heard, and valued. Contact us at editor@womensbiz.US for more information about how you can get involved!

Coaching Videos and Webinars and More...
Caroline Ceniza-Levine is a career expert, a media personality and founder of the Dream Career Club. See her videos and webinars on career change, job search, financial independence and more on her website and on her Blog.

Be The Leader in Your Niche
Susan Young is an award-winning story and sales coach. One of her areas of focus is How to Be The Leader in Your Niche:
- How to stop confusing prospects with your content, copy and website
- Exactly what to include in your messaging and what to leave out
- The #1 way to put yourself out there -online and in-person
Check out Sue’s blog: https://www.sueyoungmedia.com/blog