As we’ve worked to get to this point – our first issue – we’ve had many in-depth conversations about what we can do to make a real difference in women’s careers – what we can do to help women achieve parity in the workplace.
Over the years, all of us have read the data about the slow progress women have made toward achieving parity in the business world… the few Fortune 500 CEOs, the slow progress for women on corporate boards, the challenges that women entrepreneurs face with funding. We are proud of how many organizations and networks have stepped in and stepped up to address aspects of the persistent inequity.
So again, we asked ourselves – what can we do that will make a difference? And for us, the answer was simple. Tell the stories, share the successes, share the tough times, bring the legions of women doing extraordinary work every day into view.
The media is focused on exceptions, exceptional women to be sure. Sheryl Sandberg, Meg Whitman, Beyonce, Kim Kardashian, Sara Blakely. We learn from their stories, but few of us will ever “be them.”
What we know at womensbiz.US is that there are so many types of women we can learn from. There are so many women at all levels and from so many diverse backgrounds who have lots to share with other women and they want to share what they know. Womensbiz.US makes that possible.
At womensbiz.US, our focus is these women. By sharing the stories of as many women as possible, we know that we can empower even more women with the confidence and support to reach and exceed their business goals. More women staying in the workforce, more women navigating the uncertainties of a start-up. That’s what ultimately will make a difference.
There is no other place that is as solely focused on the business stories of women – across industries, across sectors, across age and experience levels. And we strive to go beneath the well-manicured surface to understand the whole woman behind the job, chipped nails and all. What motivated her? Who inspired her? What has she learned during her journey? What were her disappointments, her successes?
It’s hard not to “fall in love” with the women in womensbiz. Their heart, their passion, their generosity has motivated and inspired us. We know they will inspire you, too.
Again, thank you for joining us.
Susan Danish
Managing Partner

A successful corporate and nonprofit executive with a passion for problem-solving and women’s leadership development, Susan brings a wealth of experience to her latest role as Managing Partner at womensbiz.US.